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Trying to get computers to do my bidding.
Why it's worth adding some local only UI options · About a year ago spatie released a small package called https://github.com/spatie/laravel-login-link -...
Adding site specific tags or meta-data to all mailables · Laravel mailables have a nice interface for consistently structuring an email for any of their...
Why you shouldn't get AI to do something you can't do · There's no doubt AI is an exciting technology - the demos and API's you can use right now to...
Decoding the magic for the technically-bewildered · There's a fundamental rule that the tech-proficient understands which many lay people seem to ignore....
Bringing agile development to blog writing · Probably the single best improvement to my website work in the last few years has been my move to a more...
I've got quite into the power of Spaties [laravel-model-states](https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-model-states/v2/01-introduction) package. I refactored...